Call for abstracts

22nd International Reversal Theory Conference

from July 3rd to July 5th, 2024 

at the University of Caen, in Normandie (France)

(in person or remotely)


Conference theme:

Challenging the myth of consistency


In today's dynamic and multifaceted world, the prevailing myth of consistency in human behavior stands in stark contrast to our inherent emotional and motivational flexibility. Reversal theory posits a captivating perspective on the intricate nature of human behavior. It suggests that humans are more akin to dancers than statues, constantly in motion, and experiencing a kaleidoscope of emotions and motivations. Just as a dancer gracefully transitions between various movements and postures, humans, too, shift through different states of mind and motivation. This notion challenges the conventional belief that individuals are fixed in a single state of being, emphasizing instead the fluidity of our emotional and motivational landscapes. Join us in exploring the dynamic interplay of these ever-changing facets of human experience as we embark on a journey to delve into the multifaceted world of reversal theory.

The theme of "Challenging the Myth of Consistency" invites us to explore the flexible nature of individuals. By delving into the insights offered by reversal theory, we aim to question the largely accepted myth that humans are consistent, or fixed. Join us on this intellectual journey as we challenge the notion of uniformity and delve into the richness of our emotional and motivational diversity.

We encourage your proposals to explore these ideas. Speakers may present completed papers, provide updates about ongoing research, or discuss practical uses of the theory. Updates on research ideas introduced at the 2023 (July & September) virtual conferences are especially welcome. Participants may also submit papers that introduce ideas or ask questions that are “works in progress.” One of the benefits of this conference is the opportunity to tap into the expertise and experience of the vibrant and diverse community that makes up the Reversal Theory Society.


Submissions to take part in the conference should be submitted with an abstract ("New submission" tab) by February 29, 2024. Note that you will need to create an account on SciencesConf for your first submission.

Two formats are proposed this year:

1) Oral communication: 20-minute presentation followed by 10 minutes of discussion.

2) Symposium: 1 hour presentation (2 presentations of 30 minutes or 3 presentations of 20 minutes) followed by 30 minutes of discussion. Please indicate clearly the theme of the proposed symposium in you submission.

Abstracts should be 250 to 500 words and may be in English and/or French. You can add an attachment file for further information (bibliography, details of symposium presentations, etc.).

We will provide a French-to- English translator upon the speaker's request.

Decisions will be made by February 16, 2024.


Scientific and organisational committee members :

Maud Lemercier-Dugarin, Ph.D, University Lecturer (Psychology department, Université de Caen Normandie, France)

Mitzi Desselles, Ph.D, Professor, Interim Dean (College of Education & Human Sciences, Louisiana Tech University, USA)

Jay Lee, Ph.D, Visiting Professor (Department of Exercice & Sport Sciences, New Mexico Highlands University, USA)

Lauren Dinnat, IO Psychology PhD student (College of Education & Human Sciences, Louisiana Tech University, USA)


Advisory Board members:

Michael J. Apter, retired Professor


You are also welcome to address any questions or concerns to the following email address:




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